All-On-4 Dental Implants - San Francisco, CA

Breathing Life Back
Into Your Smile

Patient being presented a dental model for dental implant procedure
Doctor going over dental implant procedure information

Recreating Your Perfect Smile

If you are looking to restore the full function and beauty of your smile, then All-On-4 Full Mouth Dental Implants may be a great selection for you. The All-on-4™ system of restoration is a contemporary procedure that has completely changed how dental professionals approach replacing an entire set of teeth. Traditional dentures lack secure fitting and come with certain limitations, often making them painful and awkward to use, as well as challenging to eat certain types of food with. With the advancements of modern dentistry, these full-arch dental implants provide a comfortable and stable solution that makes eating much easier.

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Patient within the dental practice going over dental implant procedure information

Get Back to the Smile You Love

The All-on-4 treatment concept replaces your missing teeth with a full dental bridge sustained by dental implants. This innovative solution of the all-on-4 dental implants requires fewer implants and has the added benefit of decreasing overall treatment time and cost. Moreover, it guarantees a more robust and stable connection to the jawbone, meaning that you will likely not need bone graft surgery for added bone volume. This can be accomplished through the use of a bar and clip attachment system or with various abutment-based attachments such as balls, magnets, and locators. Your dentist, Dr. Kafayi, will help you determine the best option for your case. Generally, you will have a set of temporary teeth placed the same day of the surgery, allowing you to carry on with your day-to-day life right after the all-on-4 dental implants procedure. Following a short healing period, Dr. Kafayi will insert the permanent bridge, enabling you to consume all your favorite foods with greater confidence again.

Top 5 Mistakes People
Make With Dental Implants

Do you have all the information you need to make the right decisions about dental implants? Don’t make any of these five common mistakes. Our exclusive checklist will steer you in the right direction.

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Advantages of All-On-4 Full Mouth Dental Implants

These full arch dental implants, also known as All-On-4 full mouth implants, are becoming increasingly popular due to their many benefits. They, provide a permanent solution to missing or damaged teeth, restoring the patient’s smile without the discomfort of wearing removable dentures, and the cost and maintenance that comes with other solutions.

Doctor going over x-ray image display for dental implant patient

Reduced need for bone grafting

All-On-4 full mouth implants are designed to help those with jawbone loss and decay, whereas a traditional full arch of dental implants would usually require a bone graft to secure the implant posts. These all-on-4 dental implants utilize two of the four posts at an angle, which helps to secure the full denture implants even in areas with low bone density. This means that less bone grafting is required and often it can be avoided altogether. Not only do these full arch dental implants, implants provide a more cost-effective solution, but it also eliminates the need for costly and painful grafting procedures. By avoiding bone grafts, patients are able to experience a quicker recovery period and enjoy their new smile sooner.

Patient smiling confidently after their dental implant procedure

Faster Treatment and Healing Time

Full denture implants, also known as full mouth dental implants, provide a faster treatment and healing time compared to removable dentures. With the All-On-4 technique, patients can receive their replacement arch immediately after insertion. This greatly reduces the amount of time spent waiting for the gums and bones to heal around the implants. The result is a much faster treatment process than with traditional removable dentures. With the implant being integrated into your jawbone, it will not require periodic adjustments or refitting as you age. With a full denture implant, you will be able to enjoy your new smile and confident speech without having to worry about regular maintenance or worry that your implant may slip out.

All-on-4 full-mouth dental implants are quickly becoming the go-to solution for many people who need to replace their entire set of teeth. They provide a permanent, comfortable solution that looks and feels like real teeth while requiring little maintenance. If you’re looking for the best way to get your smile back, then all-on-4 full-mouth implants may be the perfect option for you.

dental implant bridge model

A Cost-Effective solution.

All-On-4 full mouth dental implants provide a more affordable solution than other full denture implant procedures. The fact that fewer implants are required per jaw reduces the cost of full mouth dental implants significantly. Furthermore, this method reduces the need for any additional preparatory procedures, such as bone grafts, making it a cost-efficient solution. All-On-4 full mouth dental implants are an ideal choice for those looking for permanent restoration without spending a fortune on their teeth.

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headshot of patient holding their before procedure image
The State Of My Teeth Affected My Diet, Dental Implants Improved My Function
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