Sedation Dentistry - San Francisco, CA

Anxiety-Free Dentistry

Patient discussing dental implant procedure with staff member within the dental office

Dental Care Without Stress – Leave Your Worries Behind!

If the thought of visiting the dentist causes you fear and anxiety, we understand your struggle. Put your worries aside and make your dental experience as comfortable as possible during your visit. At Implant SF in San Francisco, CA, we have a unique combination of positivity, comfortable amenities, and minimally invasive dental technology, allowing our patients to get the care they need while being comfortable throughout the process. Not only that, but we offer sedation dentistry services to customize to the unique level of fear, helping to minimize any worries or anxiety you may feel. This can even be used to combine multiple dental anesthesia treatments into one efficient appointment, which will reduce the number of visits you need. Our sedation dentistry treatment will not only put your fears to rest but also transform your relationship with dentistry and enhance the appearance of your smile.

Patient undergoing 3D scanning device for dental implant procedure

Do You Need Sedation Dentistry?

  • Fear of the dentist
  • Sensitive gag reflex
  • Low pain threshold
  • Dental anxiety
  • Require multiple complex treatments

Our Sedation Dentistry Services

Doctor shaking hands with patient during examination for dental implant procedure

Don’t let your oral health become a bigger health challenge

If you feel anxious about a trip to the dentist due to sights, sounds, or smells, sedation dentistry may be the perfect solution. Many patients may not realize the important role regular dental care plays in preventing more serious issues from arising. If left unmanaged, the bacteria connected to tooth decay can disperse throughout the body, leading to potential problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cardiovascular illness.

We want everyone to feel secure and at ease during dental treatment, which is why we highly recommend exploring sedation dentistry at Implant SF in San Francisco, CA. We understand that finances may be an obstacle, which is why we are partnered with several insurance companies, (link to Insurance) to help make sure you are able to receive the dental anesthesia treatment you need during your procedure with no added stress. Don’t let your oral health become a bigger health challenge. If you are looking for dental sedation anesthesia near you contact us at Implant SF in San Francisco, CA, and find out how we can help you explore your sedation dentistry options and receive the dental care you deserve.