Tooth Extractions - San Francisco, CA

Removal Can Be Restorative

Patient smiling after their dental implant procedure

When is a Tooth Extraction Needed?

If you’ve suffered dental trauma or are living with a toothache due to untreated infection or disease, you may need a tooth extraction to truly preserve your smile. A damaged or abscessed tooth can quickly lead to more serious issues affecting your other teeth, oral health, and even in some cases, your physical health if the cause is gum disease. At Implant SF, our goal is to save a natural tooth, but if it doesn’t respond to conservative treatment, extraction may be necessary. Our dentist provides gentle tooth extractions in San Francisco, CA to quickly remedy your pain and save your smile from unnecessary harm. With sedation dentistry, a relaxing atmosphere, and affordable pricing, we’ll make your tooth extraction, and the path to restored health, surprisingly simple.

doctor during guided dental implant procedure operation

Benefits of a Tooth Extraction

  • Eliminate tooth pain and sensitivity
  • Halt the spread of decay or infection
  • Preserve surrounding natural teeth
  • Restore oral health and comfort
Doctor and staff member going over dental implant information procedure

Our Tooth Extraction Process

During your initial consultation at Implant SF, we’ll examine your problem tooth or teeth and determine if a tooth extraction is needed. We’re in-network with multiple leading insurance providers and will work with you to not only determine the best solution for your health but your finances as well. If you’re scheduled for tooth extraction in San Francisco, CA, this means we were unable to preserve your natural tooth with more conservative measures or have deemed it unsalvageable due to infection, trauma, or another cause.

You’ll receive your tooth extraction at a separate appointment. When you arrive, we’ll first ensure you are comfortable and then numb the gums around your tooth with a local anesthetic. Our patients report that though they experienced slight pressure during the procedure, they remained pain-free throughout their visit. We’ll then use forceps to grasp your tooth and gently remove it, being careful to not harm adjacent teeth or bone and gum tissue at the site. Our dentist and dental team routinely complete tooth extraction procedures and are skilled in making them efficient and comfortable. Before you know it, your procedure will be complete! Your healing period will last a few days, during which time you may take over-the-counter medication for any discomfort. We’ll review post-operative instructions and recommendations with you in detail to ensure a healthy and comfortable recovery.

After Your Tooth Extraction

We always strive to preserve a natural tooth, though in some cases, a severely infected or damaged tooth may not be treatable. When this happens, extraction is the best course of action to relieve your toothache and protect your overall dental health, as it will keep any infection from spreading. With the exception of wisdom teeth, most extracted teeth should be replaced. This is due to several factors. Jawbone tends to recede where there are gaps in your smile. You may find eating and speaking awkward after tooth loss. You may also be embarrassed by that gap in your smile.

To avoid all of those complications, we recommend some form of tooth replacement. Dentures and bridges are popular options that have been in use for many years. Patients who are looking for a dependably stable choice generally find it in dental implants. Dental implants look, feel, and function just like real teeth—and they’re built to last. They never develop decay, so they’re never likely to cause you a toothache. Sometimes tooth pain is the beginning of a new opportunity. Dental implants give you a second chance at a healthy tooth and a complete, attractive smile.